Sunday, March 03, 2013

BFW Night 4 - What I Wore | Inspired by Pinterest!

This is what I wore Saturday night to the finale of Birmingham Fashion Week.  Let me just tell you how awesome that show was!  Simply amazing!  More on that later...

This is an "Inspired by Pinterest" look.  I grabbed my inspiration from all over the place.  I'll share a few images to show you my thought process:
The red, black and white was inspired by these two looks.  Isn't that glenplaid trench coat everything?  I'll have to find similar fabric and add this to my Fall 2013 plan.  
And fur collars are all over the place.  I love "Street Style" blogs, and I'd been looking at a lot of images from fashion weeks in New York, London, Milan and Paris.  And I saw so many coats and jackets with fur collars.
Photos from Pinterest.
A fur collar on a coat looks so elegant and dresses up any outfit.  Notice the jeans.
So I decided to grab my vintage fox fur collar, which was removed from a mink stole that belonged to my grandmother, and add it to one of my favorite coats for instant chic and glamour.
Wearing:  Coat: McCall's 5766; top: Vogue 8815; trousers: Vogue 1143; purse: vintage Chanel bucket bag and shoes:


  1. Gorgeous look! Your bone structure is everything, such lovely cheekbones.

  2. The pieces you make are just so cool - and then you put them together in such great outfits! Always fun to see what you're doing.

  3. great looking coat

  4. Its like you read my mind. I just found a piece of nsvy and cream houndstooth -big teeth (?) And was wondering what to do with it. Thanks this is awesome
    I've had it so long I thought houndstooth was totally out but you are such a sleuth for the hot looks
    I so rely on your blog just to get dressed many days

  5. Yuck. Fur. Why can't you be shot, skinned, and turned into a leather wallet?

    1. Sarah Rose,
      You're clearly a sad and pathetic person with NOTHING resembling a life. You spent over half an hour trolling my blog to only leave this weak ass comment. Thank you so much for validating (not that I need that from the likes of you) my fabulousness!

      Now I can get back to sewing something awesome. You know, something that you can devote more time from your miserable existence lurking, looking and lusting over!

      Carry on doll!
