Friday, January 01, 2016

2015 Sewing Review!

These are my top nine from Instagram account.

Last year, I allowed myself to do something that I've rarely done in the past and I did it often.  I sewed patterns multiple times.  I use to give the cliched line at the end of a pattern review post that there's way too many patterns I want to make and will probably not sew that pattern again.  I'm over that!  If I like, I'm going to keep making it!
I've made Vogue 9032 four times this year.  So I have a total of five pairs and I'll probably make more.  This is officially my TNT pants pattern.
I loved Vogue 8956 and gave both versions kilt-like details with leather buckle closures.
Vogue 1465 is a great layering piece.  I am always reaching for these two tops and I'll be making another one in white soon.
During the cooler weather season, I love a long-sleeve dress.  And Vogue 1460 is pretty awesome to me.  It's delivering easy-to-wear style and will look amazing in every color under the rainbow.
The possibilities and iterations for McCall's 6886 are endless.  I've made three versions.  I even used the pattern to create a two-piece look.  I haven't made the v-neck version YET, but it's coming too.

I'm looking forward to seeing what amazing patterns will catch my eye this year and become TNT members of my arsenal!


  1. M6886 is my tried and true

  2. I'm with you if I get the right fit on a pattern and it's comfortable to wear it goes in the tnt box and I'll make it again and again!

  3. I love that your tnt patterns are from the big 4 - easy to get our hands on and generally predictable sizing. I'm going to give Vogue 9032 a go.

  4. I'm in awe! Seriously in awe! The fact that you've become a member of the TNT team is pretty fantastic. Glad to have you on board the team! Happy New Year!

  5. All of your garments are gorgeous. The beauty in using TNT is that you can make them look completely different with color and fabric choices but feel confident with the fit.

  6. I am in total agreement with you Erica...keep up the good work:)

  7. I need to hop on this Vogue 9032 train. I hope it's not OOP.
    Loved your makes this year. Your style reminds me of my mom's (Not an insult in any way). Super classic, stylish, clean and almost pushing the envelope at times. Very inspiring.

    1. Not an insult at all. I have good and grown kids! My oldest is 26! Thanks Tasha!

  8. Fantastic makes Erica! Making the same pattern many times is a great way to build a wardrobe with things that will actually get worn. :) I've enjoying checking out your blog this year!
