Thursday, June 14, 2007

Q & A's

"Erica - your pants look great. I don't really understand what you mean about sewing the waistband and facing at an angle. Could you fill me in."
"I'm also curious about the waistband issue and eliminating the gap. Could you please explain that?"
"I would like to know a little bit more about the waistband, scooping out the crotch and eliminating the gap issues."
Let's see if I can try to explain this without pictures (I promise to take detail shots next time). I first scooped out the crotch curve (**Wedgie Alteration** to make the crotch more comfortable) about 1/4" to 1/2". At the CB (centerback) where I had gaposis, I sewed the waisband and the facing at the top about 1/2" from the SA (seam allowance) sewing down in an angle and ending at the bottom at the normal 5/8" SA. I hope this makes sense. LOL
"In your blog, could you talk about how you learned to sew so well?"
Practice, practice, practice! I read a lot (i.e. books, sewing magazines, blogs, sewing forums). And also, a lot of trial and error. Once you screw something up really bad, you'll remember not to do it next time.
"Is your photographer you lovely daughter?"
My photographer is my oldest, my 17 year old son Brian. He has a passion for photography... he even has it on his class schedule for this coming school year.

"How did you figure out which pieces to alter?"
"Do you make a muslin of your garment or just go ahead without?"
I measure all of the pattern pieces, making allowances for ease. If it's a pretty basic pattern, then I usually don't make a muslin. If it's something that will require a lot of fitting and tweeking, then yes, I do make one.
" I do have one question...does your pocket lining show?"
The outline of the pocket shows a tad bit, but not really. I can't believe I forgot to mention that I used organza for my pocket lining.
"So what is up next?!"
I'm currently working on Simplicity 3744... I should have it finished up by this weekend.

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