Monday, February 11, 2019

McCall's 6279 - Trench Dress!

One thing I can always appreciate is that fashion is super cyclical. What goes around, always comes back around. I can guarantee that! That's why I pulled out McCall's 6279, that's currently out of print and from years gone by. Because for Spring 2019, "Utility Dressing", and trench styles falls under that -- is one of the major trends. And even though I would always think of a trench style as classic, the fact that it's considered a trend gave me a reason to dig out a pattern that I've planned to sew for years, but never got around to it. 
See all the details over on the Mood Sewing Network Blog!


  1. Girl, you are killing this dress! I love it! You are my Style Goddess!!

    Kimberly Wilkes

  2. Alright gurl, I'm really loving this!!!!! I can't believe I have this same fabric and have been sitting on it for you've inspired me to cut into it.

    1. It sewed perfectly! I want to order more! Thanks Jennifer!
