If you're like me, then you probably haven't a clue as to the programming on MTV. I discovered a new reality show - House of Jazmin. It chronicles the behind the scenes life of the 20 year old aspiring fashion designer Jazmin Whitley of Li Cari.
And her inspiration?
I think my biggest influence and inspiration would be Coco Chanel because just, like, the cuts and the fabrics and everything are so, like, my personal style. And so it's so, like, exciting to see all of her work and how she started with hats, and when I was young I started designing, like, sketches of perfume bottles. I was just attracted to design in general and so then as I got a little bit older it, like, went, like, all the way toward fashion.
How many "likes" was that? Okay, how about you, like, check out this, like trailer of the, like show:
The House of Jazmin airs Tuesdays on MTV at 10:30pm ET, 9:30pm CT