First Sewing Project!
11:36 AMProject Details:
Pattern: Butterick B4758
Fabric: Streaks Decorator Fabric In Chocolate
by Laurie Smith
Sheer determination! Not quite like riding a bicycle, but almost. The hardest part of the entire project was the trip to the fabric store. I walked in and my head started to spin because I had no idea where to start. First stop, the patterns table. Flipped through a couple of books, oooh and aaawd over several Vogue designer patterns that I would love make and finally settled on something simple that I wouldn't be able to screw up to bad. Once I learned to use my new machine and work the kinks out of my tension problems it was really simple. What would I do different next time? If you notice the side of the bag, I would pay more attention to detail by making sure that all of the stripes line up. Overall, for a first project in around 8 years, I'm pretty pleased. Maybe later this week, I'll try a simple skirt.
Pattern: Butterick B4758
Fabric: Streaks Decorator Fabric In Chocolate
by Laurie Smith
Sheer determination! Not quite like riding a bicycle, but almost. The hardest part of the entire project was the trip to the fabric store. I walked in and my head started to spin because I had no idea where to start. First stop, the patterns table. Flipped through a couple of books, oooh and aaawd over several Vogue designer patterns that I would love make and finally settled on something simple that I wouldn't be able to screw up to bad. Once I learned to use my new machine and work the kinks out of my tension problems it was really simple. What would I do different next time? If you notice the side of the bag, I would pay more attention to detail by making sure that all of the stripes line up. Overall, for a first project in around 8 years, I'm pretty pleased. Maybe later this week, I'll try a simple skirt.

Oops! Almost forgot to show the cute tags I found at the fabric store.
Erica you've really come a loooooong way. You give me motivation to be brave and just take the plunge. I've been toying with the idea of starting a blog for a while now but I'm convinced now that my sewing can only get better with time and to enjoy the process.