What I'm Wearing | Red + White!

12:00 AM

This is my modified version of New Look 6003.  
I absolutely love this skirt.  And even though I made it in linen, I'm STILL going to wear it for the cooler season.  Hey... this is Alabama.  Remember, we have mild temps compared to other places.  So you may see this skirt being rocked with opaque tights and boots.  
Can we stop for a moment and talk about my shoes.  Like most women, I have LUST for a great pair of shoes.  Like these:
Yeah... okay....  A thousand dollars for a pair of pumps simply is NOT in my budget.  But this fantastic replica from Shoe Dazzle.com satiated that hunger!
When I saw these, I didn't even give it a second thought.  I pulled the trigger on that purchase.
The Shoe Dazzle shoe went perfectly with my outfit.  It was true to size and about as comfortable as any pointy toed shoe I've ever owned.  I loved them so much that I ordered them in black as well.

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  1. I love this skirt!! You did your thing on it!

  2. awesome shoes and great skirt. love ur style

  3. AHHHH, SO SWEET!!! I love and have to have one of these skirts! You look GREAT in this entire outfit! What a smart choice on the shoes! Thank you so very much for the beautiful inspiration Erica! Off to find those shoes! :)

  4. Wow great find with the shoes. Great outfit and I definitely can see the skirt working in cooler weather too.

  5. OK, Erica. You are a terrible influence. The Shoe Dazzle?
    Suddenly I think I need hot pink velvet boots. You are bad!
    PS....... love your skirt :)

  6. Glam, love it. Those shoes rock.

  7. Nice skirt, love this entire outfit.

  8. Being a ture shoe-a-holic- I noticed your rockin shoes in the first photo (LOL)- love them! The skirt is great too!

  9. First off - I love the skirt. Gorgeous! As for the shoes...I literally just finished reading Wendy's Lookbook blog where her outfit was coordinated with the Valentino shoes. I was in awe of them but not the price. You scored for real! You are rocking the whole look.

    1. Susan, I read Wendy's blog too. And the real Valentino's are stunning! Thanks!

  10. Love your skirt (well whole look of course)!

  11. I want those shoes! Looking gorgeous as ever.

  12. Linda, linda
    Adoro suas criações!

  13. Great outfit and love the shoes.

  14. I recently made this skirt. I like your modified version and just may have to try your way!

  15. I thought I had already commented but I guess I didn't. I have those same Shoe Dazzle shoes in black. They are STUNNING!!!! I can't quit looking at them. They look so much more expensive than they are. I would by the color you have, but I already have a pair of dress shoes that color and just can't justify it---Hmmmm....maybe I can talk to Santa Claus about it. I love your skirt and your whole outfit.

    1. Rachel, I ordered them in black too. What's nother pair of black shoes? Thanks!

  16. Great outfit but awesome shoes.


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