Review: Vogue 8846 | The Abstract Floral Dress!

4:00 AM

This is Vogue 8846.  And I used view B.
I used this absolutely amazing abstract floral print from Mood Fabrics.  
The fabric is called Springtime Floral Lightweight Silk Crepe.  And these pictures just doesn't do it justice.  It was so easy to work with.  Not has lightweight as a crepe de chine.  But it still has a great amount of body and a lovely hand for draping.
This pattern was great to work with.  Well-drafted and easy instructions.  My favorite part is that this pattern is a Vogue Pattern's "Custom Fit".  Which means, no FBAs needed!  And it does what it's supposed to do.
I made my usual alterations: lengthening by two inches.  Notice that the back is extremely very drapey.  This style may now be for everyone.  But it's a great wardrobe addition to anyone that wants a little drama in their lives.
Also, I attended "Belk's Fall Fashion" presentation.  It was hosted by Arlene Goldstein, Belk's Vice-President of Trend Merchandising and Fashion Direction. 

Oh, and by the way... what do you think of Belk as being the accessories wall on Project Runway??

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  1. Love the floral print!!!!

  2. Love your dress! The fabric is perfect for the warmer climate!

  3. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Lovely dress. I like the style and the print.

  4. The dress is beautiful.

  5. That dress if fantastic for the summer! Yes, I grew up in Orlando and Belk's was the place to go (at least for my mother!). She was aghast one summer when she and my dad walked in and everyone knew her by name! We definitely know associate Belk's with the South (at least in the West). I think it will be interesting -- PR has a good cast so far.

  6. Pretty fabric. I have this pattern but have not made it. I love the drape in the back but not sure how that is going to work/look on a petite person. What do you think, since you just made this and I am sure you are much taller than I am?

    1. Honestly Linda, that's not something I ever give thought to. But I'm a firm believer that anybody can wear anything if the proportions are correct. And I do think it would look best if it hits above the knee. Thanks!

  7. Love your new dress. I bought this pattern a while back with a particular assymetrical fabric in mind but didn't have enough. Your floral print has inspired me to rethink the project for next summer.

  8. Gorgeous dress, such pretty fabric!


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