Yarn, Yarn, Yarn!
6:13 PM

When the temperature hits 98 degrees and the thought of lounging by the pool makes you want to sit in the fridge, what do you do? What else -- go yarn shopping.
Luckily for me, Michael's, Hobby Lobby, A.C. Moore's and my favorite yarn boutique Knit Nouveau are all with five miles of where I live. Sometimes I amaze myself at the length of time I can spend oogling and feeling luxe fibers. After several hours of aimless browsing and indeciveness, I finally purchased 3 skeins of Lion Brand Wool-Ease in Goldenrod #187 and a skein of Moonlight Mohair in Safari #203 and threw in a copy of Crochet! magazine for good measure. I plan on using this to make the open fan cardigan from Interweave Knits Crochet 2004 issue.