Spring/Summer '06 Crochet!
2:26 PMInterweave Knits Crochet
Have any of you guys seen the preview patterns from here: I think there may potentially be some decent projects in here. Usually I'm pretty happy when Interweave puts out a crochet edition. Here a few projects that caught my attention:
Two very cute dresses! The dress on the left could possibly have some potential. I envision it with a pair of espadrilles or gladiator sandals. The one on the right is a tank type dress entitled Joie de Vivre (Joy of living). From this small pic it looks cute. I'd probably lengthen it to right above the knee and add some increases to give it a slight a-line.
Now this, I already don't like, even before the magazine can hit the newsstands! What's the prerequisite for this one, an honorary membership in the "Itty Bitty Titty Committee"? I don't think I'm going to risk the 'girls' falling out all over the place or just looking plain nasty!
These are kinda cute. Can you have enough cardis to wear over tanks and sundresses?
I really want to see the full pics on this. It's a crochet/knit combo... it even has cables!
This I really like. It's a hairpin lace skirt by Jennifer Hansen. I haven't done this technique before but I'm always down for learning a new skill.
Berroco #246 Crochet
While shopping at my LYS, the lovely Jamie showed me this one. I wasn't completely blown away, but for a mere $6.00 bucks and the fact that Jamie always winds my hanks for free, I bought it.
There is this hat pattern
that I like.
And this halter that I also like.
Tahki Stacy Charles - 2006 Crochet Patterns
Haven't bought this one yet, still debating. Not a lot in there that I would consider unique. Who knows, I may be in a good mood one day, because shopping for yarn always makes me feel euphoric, I just may spring for it.